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Second Home Management

Yellow home with flowers

A Well-Managed Second Home

Having a second home in the mountains or on the coast provides many perks: You have the flexibility to stay for extended periods. You can go whenever you’d like. You can bypass the hotel or short-term rental route. You can create a personalized retreat, one that fits your lifestyle.  
A second home also requires special management and maintenance that takes into account the periods you’ll be away from the property. The Noyes Agency has a small portfolio of Homes we manage for our exceptional Clients. 

Blue home with fall foliage

Monitor the Utilities

With the convenience of smart home technology, it’s easy to monitor your home’s heating, air conditioning, lights and other utilities from a remote location, using your smartphone. Installing a smart home system can cut down on the costs of running your home while giving you a piece of mind that those systems are being monitored while you’re away.

Living room with fireplace

Landscaping, Security and Cleaning

The key to taking the worry out your second home property is to have the management and maintenance services taken care of by a professional. When you come to relax and unwind those items have already been done, they are not part of your routine each time you come for a retreat.
We recommend installing a security system, many offer the ability to look in on your home, keep track of the heating and cooling temperature and alert you of any malfunctions. With a good thorough cleaning in the Spring and regular cleanings set on a schedule you’ll always come back to a clean, fresh home absent of odors from the trash left behind from your last visit.
Having a regular check-in on your Home is also a very good idea, even though smart technologies can monitor a lot of your systems and appliances, they cannot always let you know if a problem may be about to occur.  Having someone who knows your Homes’ systems with experience and a keen eye is an invaluable asset.

Modern kitchen

Short-Term Rental of your Second Home

Many people have considered renting their second home as a way to bring in revenue on their investment and to offset the costs of management and maintenance.  There are several companies online that provide booking scheduling services to help you achieve that extra income. The drawback from using those services is that they are there to help share in the revenue generated from the booking stays but do not offer you any assistance in the management and maintenance of the property. When considering your goals on renting your property always weight the benefits along with the costs associated with the use of the property.

For more information on purchasing a mountain or coastal property, whether it be a primary residence, a second home/ retreat – contact us at or call our office at 207-864-9000.

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