Noyes Real Estate Agency Logo

Donations & Volunteering


At Noyes we are committed to being the change we all seek in our community. Our Agents live and work in the communities we serve, we volunteer, raise donations and support the outstanding area non-profit organizations that advocate for the growth, vitality and health of our local community. 
Our focus is on the people living in our communities; it’s with the change within; as within ourselves, our change, the way we want to live a better life, less stress, healthier, happier, with a better connection to our neighbors. Those changes begin with a reflection of ourself. To make a change within ourself, we begin with an effort to change our path in life, each day begins with reflection, and our new effort to make those changes we know will bring us to that better existence of ourself.
So true is helping to change our community, we begin with a reflection of our community, to change the community’s path, we individually and collectively, with our neighbors make those efforts for Our community.

Volunteers at a food shelter

Don’t underestimate the change you can make, by setting goals and reaching for those goals, we all find ourselves within a better place, in life, in Community.

Get Connected

Maine Appalachian Land Trust

Maine Forestry Museum
221 Stratton Rd.
Visit website

Oquossoc ATV Club Inc.

Outdoor Heritage Museum
8 Rumford Road
207 864-3091
Visit website

Rangeley Friends of the Arts
2493 Main Street
Visit website

Rangeley History Museum
207 864-2333
Visit website

Rangeley Lakes Chamber of Commerce
6 Park Road
Visit website

Rangeley Lakes Heritage Trust
2424 Main Street
(207) 864-7311
Visit website

Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club
722 Loon Lake Rd
Visit website

Rangeley Lakes Trails Center
524 Saddleback Mountain Road
207 864-4309
Visit website

Rangeley Public Library
7 Lake Street
207 864-5529
Visit website

Rangeley Region Guides & Sportsmen's Assoc.
Old Skiway Road
Visit website

Rangeley Region Health & Wellness Partnership
25 Dallas Hill Road
207 864-3055
Visit website

Stanley Museum

Wilhelm Reich Museum & Cottages
19 Orgonon Circle
207 864-3443
Visit website

WRGY 90.5 FM
2493 Main Street
207 864-9749
Visit website

The Noyes Agency has a commitment to help families with finding affordable homes within our communities. We work with you to locate a home for first-time home buyers; for retirees with fixed-incomes; with veterans with VA-eligibility; and with work-force housing program participants. If you live within one of our comminutes, or are looking to re-locate to our community and would like to participate in our affordable/work-force housing program, please connect with us.  

If you are a developer with lot(s) you would like to either donate or offer at a reduced price; or a homeowner with a home you would like either donate or offer at a reduced price; and would like your home or land to help those families who are participating in our affordable/work-force housing program, please connect with us.  Your donation will help make the gift of Home-ownership a reality for a local family. We encourage you to contact us so we can help you navigate your options; and assist you in donating or offering of your home or land.

Blue House with American Flag

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